Round Lab

Round Lab Birch Moisturizing Cream 80ml

$18.50 $37.00

A gentle, well-rounded moisturizer for deeply hydrating the skin and skin barrier strengthening.

- This cream is infused ingredients that help to nourish and hydrate thr skin.

- This product can help to resolve problems caused by dehydration of the skin.

- This cream rebuilds the skin's natural protective barrier and speeds up healing of the skin.

- This product improves the firmness of the skin by stimulating new collagen production.

At the last step of skincare routine, apply an appropriate amount of Birch Cream to your skin.

Betula Platyphylla Japonica (Birch Tree) Juice

- Betula Platyphylla Japonica (Birch Tree) Juice has a slightly sweet flavor and is rich with NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factor, a cocktail of ingredients that the skin naturally creates to keep the stratum corneum hydrated.

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