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$20 Coréelle Digital Gift Card

$20 Coréelle Digital Gift Card

- When you purchase a gift card, you will receive an email that contains a unique gift card code that you can use at checkout to redeem its value.

- A gift card holds a balance, which can be spent over more than one order. Gift card balances are applied to the total value of an order, which can include taxes and shipping.

- If the balance available on the gift card is greater than or equal to the order total, then the customer can click Complete order.

- If the balance available on the gift card is less than the order total, then the customer is prompted to choose a second payment method for the balance before placing the order.

- If a customer wants to buy a gift card for someone else, then they need to forward the gift card email to the recipient.

How to redeem VIP Tier *Entry Reward* Gift cards

  1. 1. If you have entered a tier above 'Bronze', an *Entry Reward* will appear in the 'Rewards Program - Redeem Rewards' menu.

  2. 2. If there is an *Entry Reward* available to redeem, click on the 'Redeem' button.

  3. 3. A new coupon code will appear.

  4. 4. Purchase a 'Gift Card' with the coupon code
    Silver: You can purchase a $15 Gift Card for Free
    Gold: You can purchase a $50 Gift Card for Free
    Diamond: You can purchase a $100 Gift Card for Free

  5. 5. You will receive an email that contains 'Gift Card'.

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