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Ampoule Water Gel Mask set

$25.00 $31.00
An anti-aging mask that firms the skin with retinol capsules to create healthy, youthful-looking skin.
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- This mask is a deeply hydrating mask that provides the skin with quick hydration to create glowy skin when used.
- This product is created using 30g of a highly concentrated ampoule.
- This mask provides super fast hydration by being drenched in a moisture enriched ampoule.
- This product creates glowy, procelain-like skin that allows for the easy application of makeup.

Prepare your skin with a toner. After removing the mask film, attach mask to the face. After 10 to 20 minutes, remove the sheet and lightly tap the remaining ampoule to absorb

- Panthenol helps to strengthen the skin barrier and helps maintain moisture, which is effective in soothing skin irritation caused by dryness.

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