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CoréelleOngredientsAnti-Wrinkle Essenceessence
CoréelleOngredientsAnti-Wrinkle Essenceessence
CoréelleOngredientsAnti-Wrinkle Essenceessence
CoréelleOngredientsAnti-Wrinkle Essenceessence
  • Vegan
  • Ongredients

    Anti-Wrinkle Essence

    $31.00 $35.00
    An anti-wrinkle essence that helps improve skin elasticity and firmness for up to 24 hours with Clitoria Ternatea Flower Extract's strong antioxidant effect.

    - This age-rewinding essence is infused with butterfly pea flower extract that revitalizes and rejuvenates for youthful-looking skin by improving skin firmness.

    - This anti-wrinkle solution is non-irritating and is suitable for sensitive skin types with saggy, loesened skin in need of elasticity boost.

    - This long-lasting anti-wrinkle solution instantly improves skin elasiticity up to 24 hours after use.

    - This product is developed through VEGAN COLD BREW™ extracting method for the purification of butterfly pea flower extract and is without any animal-derived substances.

    - This product has bright blue-colored formula which represents for a strong antioxidant properties.

    - This hypoallergenic product is cruelty-free, GMO-free and vegan with EWG green grade certified ingredients.

    1. Daily Care: Apply a moderate amount onto dry hands or a cotton pad and gently massage along the skin texture.
    2. Essence Mask Care: Soak several cotton pads with product and place them onto dry areas of face for intensive care.

      Tip: Mix with your favorite skincare products (facial mist, lotion, cream, etc) for deeper hydration.

    Clitoria Ternatea Flower Extract

    - Clitoria Ternatea Flower Extract is rich in antioxidants that protects skin from free radicals and oxidation.

    - Clitoria Ternatea Flower Extract contains proanthocyanidin which stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin.

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