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CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
CoréelleshaishaishaiBanana Conceal Eye Cream 15gEye cream
  • Best
  • shaishaishai

    Banana Conceal Eye Cream 15g

    $24.00 $27.00
    A moisturizing eye cream that can be used as a tone-up cream and improve the look of wrinkles around the eyes.

    - This eye cream is already loved by many and the number one repurchased item from shaishaishai.

    - This product is easy on the eyes, hydrating, and covers up areas of wrinkles and dark circles.

    - This eye cream can be used as a tone-up cream to cover up dark circles when going out.

    - This product contains only a small amount of pigmentation, making it easy to be wiped off using only a foam cleanser or gel cleanser.

    1. Eye cream should be applied in the morning after moisturizer and prior to sunscreen, and in the evening as the final step of your skincare routine.
    2. Pump an appropriate amount on the tip of your fingers.
    3. Tap gently around your eyes until absorbed evenly in your skin.

    Banana Fruit Extract

    - Banana Fruit Extract is a botanical raw material that is full of energizing nutrients and rich in vitamins C, E, and flavonoids.

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