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Beauty Balancing Face Roller 1ea

$23.10 $33.00
A cooling facial beauty tool that helps control pore-balance, de-stress, and reduce puffiness.

- Regular use of this beauty tool is believed to have a calming effect on skin.

- The product reduces look of puffiness, cools, and soothes.

- Using this product before your usual make-up routine helps with smooth, flawless application of make-up.

- The product lowers skin's temperature to help reduce pore size and breakouts.

1. Remove clear film from the cooling plate, and place the product on the plastic stand.

2. Store inside the freezer for more than 3 hours.

3. Gently glide around the face.

4. Refrain from using on the same spot for more than 20 minutes.

5. Refrain from using when it is too icy.


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