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Vitamin Hyaluronic Ampoule Toner 150ml

$19.00 $21.00
A moisturizing toner that brightens, strengthens, calms, and moisturizes the skin while also improving it's elasticity to keep it plump.

- Helps brighten skin
- Strengthens the skin's moisture barrier
- Improves elasticity to plump up the skin
- Contains 8 types of hyaluronic acid

After cleansing, dispense a small amount on a cotton pad or hand, then evenly apply on skin in an outward direction until absorbed. Use morning and evening.

Vita-Ion Liposome

- A mix of vitamins to help nourish and brighten the skin

Formulated with 8 layers of hyaluronic acid to attract moisture to the skin, keeping it protected and hydrated

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