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Blueberry Rebalancing 5.5 Cleanser 100ml

A creamy, subacidiv foam cleanser with blueberry extract that rebalances pH and moisture level without stripping skin.

- It helps restore the balance of weak acidic pH level and oil-water level for relaxed skin. Less stress is added to the skin while cleansing, creating a perfect makeup-ready skin.
- Leaves essential moisture in the skin to keep it moisturised and healthy after cleansing.
- Helps you enjoy a relaxing cleansing experience with a dense and creamy lather that wraps around the skin.

Take an appropriate amount on wet hands and make rich lather and gently massage onto the entire face and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Blueberry Extract
- It takes care of your skin healthily and firmly with its rich antioxidant power.


- It improves moisturizing power by maintaining a balance of moisture.


- Skin Calming Effects

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