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Bronte Melting-Glow Lip Balm

$19.99 $26.00

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A lip balm with a refreshing color palette that provides a skin-like texture that melts softly, giving a comfortable moisture and a firm, thick gloss. Lightweight texture on the skin, clear radiance without any coloration.
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- This line of lip blam's colors were inspired by the Bronte sisters.

- This product melts on the lips, embracing a watery shine with a comfortable moisturizing sensation.
- This lip balm gives the lips a firm and plump moisture gloss, shimmering without stickiness.
- This product lightly adheres and allows for repeated application without color smudging, giving a fresh first application feeling.

Color Description

301 - Fresh Peach with a Neon Pink Drop
303 - Subtle Vintage Red
304 - Elegant and Sophisticated Genderless Lip, Muted Brick Beige
305 - Subdued and Luxurious Shade reminiscent of a Sensual Beige
307 - Innocent Mauve Gray, Soft Lilac

- Take out only the amount you need and apply it to your lips.

- Build up the color on your lips until you achieve the desired shade.

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