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Blue Petal

Calming Essence Peel 150ml

$17.00 $29.00
An exfoliating essence that purifies the skin and cleanses the skin to clear, glowing skin.

- This essence is a gentle exfoliator with midly acidic level of pH 4.8, formulate with Citric Acid (AHA) and Gluconolactone (BHA) to maximize its effects.

- This product is created using a blend of ingredients that ently removes dirt and build-ups while creating a moisture film to keep skin hydrated.

- This essence contains a proprietary skin-cooling agent to relieve skin.

- This product has a mild acidic level of 4.8 to be used on sensitive skin.

  1. Wash and dry face. Apply a generous amount
  2. Gently wipe off the excess with a cotton pad by sweeping outwards.
  3. Apply 1-2 drops over any sensitive or irritated area.

Citric Acid & Gluconolactone

- It takes care of old dead skin cells with A-ha and Paha components and gently cares for the residue and dead skin cells that may remain after washing your face.

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