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CoréelleCoréelleCoréelle Mystery BoxSkincare Set
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  • Coréelle

    Coréelle Mystery Skincare Box


    Get 5 FULL-SIZED products for the price of one! What is in the box... Nobody knows! Come on! What are you waiting for? Test out your luck... It could be your next favorite.

    **Limited to 1 per customer**

    - This box contains 5 full-sized products for the price of one. Get 5 mystery full-sized productsand try a variety of products to shake up your day.

    - Get this mystery box full of skincare products and find your next favorite pick.

    - What is in the box? Nobody knows (not even members of the Coréelle Team). That is what makes this mystery box even more exciting!

    **PLEASE BE AWARE BERFORE BUYING : The products in this box contains products that have less than a year left until the expiration date.**

    Please check the product pages for details.

    Please check the product pages for details.

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