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Costopia Hair Mask

$5.00 $10.00
A sheet mask for your hair that moisturizes hair as if applying a silk essence to create shiny hair.

- This hair mask is a sheet mask-type hair mask to make creating silky, shiny hair as easy as 1-2-3.

- This product is created with weak acids and natural herbal ingredients to ensure no damage goes to your hair.

- This hair mask helps to provide care for not only your hair, but your scalp too.

- This product moisturizes the hair and adds nourishment to your hair to create silky, smooth hair after each usage.

  1. After shampooing, lightly remove moisture, gather the hair towards the top of the head, and wear the hair pack as if wrapping it all over the hair.
  2. After removing the vinyl on the back of the sticker, adjust it according to the size of the head and attach the sticker to the front.
  3. Massage lightly to apply to every corner of the hair so that the treatment nutrients are well absorbed.
  4. After 10 to 20 minutes, remove the hair mask and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

17 Hair Silk Amino Acids

- The 17 Hair Silk Amino Acids in this product help to create silky, healthy hair by taking care of your hair and your scalp.

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