CoréelleDashing DivaDashing Diva Pedicure TurquoiseNail Sticker
CoréelleDashing DivaDashing Diva Pedicure TurquoiseNail Sticker
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  • Dashing Diva

    Dashing Diva Pedicure Turquoise

    $27.44 $36.00

    Only 5 left in stock - order soon.

    A set of turquoise-colored pedicure stickers that make you feel refreshed just by looking at them.

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    This product consists of the following:

    - 33 Pedi Strips
    - User's Guide
    - Prep Pad (2ea)
    - Nail File
    - Wood Stick

    1. Clean and remove oil on your toenail.
    2. Pick a sticker that fits toenail size.
    3. Starting from the inside of a toenail, firmly press the sticker to make it stick.
    4. Gently fold the leftover part and grind with a buffer.
    5. Cure for 60 seconds using gel nail lamp.


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