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Dr. Derma Solution Barrierderm Relief Balm 45ml

$21.75 $29.00
An intensive moisturizing balm that repairs and restores rough, sensitive skin.

- Fast soothing : It soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin which is extreme dry
- Fila-Seed + Azulen : FLS, skin barrier components, and azulen are effective soothing ingredient
- Silky moisturizing balm : The fresh finish but powerful moisturizing balm
- Its texture is dense and firm but once it is reached to the skin, it's melted by body temperature smoothly and delivers moisture to the deep inside of skin.
- The violet color is originally natural color of azulen. As time goes or when it is exposed to sunlight, the color might be changed. However it does not affect on quality of product.

1. Apply appropriate amount of barrierderm relief balm on the skin at the last step of your skincare routine.

2. Make the balm absorbed gently by covering face using hands.

When you apply the balm after skin treatment or extracting pimples, it helps your skin to soothe down fast.

Fila Seed + Azulene
By adding azulene in the Fila Seed, it improves soothing and moisturizing ability.

It activates moisture cell

Guaiazulene has had superb effect on anti-infection and repair effect since ancient. It's mainly used for making medicines and it's also used for making cosmetic products.

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