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Dual Barrier Creamy Toner 150ml

$22.00 $24.00
A 2-in-1 balancing toner with active noni concentrate and amino acids that moisturizes skin, while balancing the pH level inside.

- Fresh, milky texture quickly absorbs into the skin without a greasy finish boosting the next product's effect.

- Creamy lipid ingredients help to deliver a comfortable moisturizing finish without irritating the skin.
- Aquatide boosts hydration level and enhances the skin's natural Ceramides to help improve overall skin condition.
- Dermatologist Tested: Hypoallergenic, safe for sensitive skin types.
- SAFE & CLEAN: No harsh chemicals, artificial fragrance-free, suitable for all skin types.

After washing your face, apply an even amount of the toner to a cotton pad before your skin dries up, and smooth out onto your skin softly.

5 type of ceramide
- It prevents moisture from coming out of the skin and balances oil and moisture.

- It not only rehydrates the skin, but also strengthens the skin and helps the skin solve its own problems.

- It improves rough skin that causes skin problems.

Hyaluronic acid
- Moisturizes dry skin.

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