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Ett Hojakdo Deep Clean Toothpaste 100g 4ea + Mini Bag 1ea(Random)

A set of Ett Hojakdo toothpaste that comes with a free mini bag(random) inspired by Korean traditional pattern.

ETT HOJAKDO : Deep Clean Toothpaste 100g (x4)

- A toothpaste made of highly concentrated mint to give off a minty, refreshing blast.

ETT HOJAKDO : Korean Traditional Pattern Inspired Mini Bag 1ea Random (x1)

- A mini tote bag with 2 types of designs inspired by Korean traditional patterns.

  1. Squeeze a pea-sized amount on your toothbrush.
  2. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day using this toothpaste.
  3. Rinse the product.

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