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CoréellePURCELLExtreme Effect 4 - Terpineol 10mlToner
CoréellePURCELLExtreme Effect 4 - Terpineol 10mlToner
CoréellePURCELLExtreme Effect 4 - Terpineol 10mlToner
CoréellePURCELLExtreme Effect 4 - Terpineol 10mlToner
  • New

    Extreme Effect 4-Terpineol 10ml

    $25.20 $28.00

    A pure 99% extract concentrated by extracting only the effective ingredients of tea tree oil.

    - This spot treatment ampoule is enriched with Terpineol, which targets acne.

    - This product helps to improve and reduce dead skin cells, blackhead and blemishes.

    - This ampoule controls excessive sebum to avoid sebum clogged in pores.

    CAUTION : Do NOT apply more than 1 drop of this product

    Apply a drop of skincare solution onto a cotton swab and dab it onto the troubled area. Mixing a drop of it with your cream and applying it to the concerned area.


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