KUNDAL Damage Hair Care Special Edition Set - with TXT Photo Card and Holder

$30.00 $60.00
A special set made of Kundal's Pink Protein Bonding Shampoo and Pink Protein Bonding Treatement with a Tomorrow X Together Employee photo card and holder.

- This set is comprised of a shampoo and treatment that is made of bonding technology and hydro system that gives off protein and moisturizes hair.

- This product provides damage care, improves damaged hair cuticles, and protects hair from heat.

- This shampoo has conditioning effects on hair and the treatment transforms into a serum to adhere and absorb into the hair.

- This set comes with a TXT corporate employee photo card and holder.

- Shampoo: Wet hair and scalp sufficiently with lukewarm water. Create a lather and massage hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

- Treatment: After shampooing, apply an adequate amount and massage into the hair. Leave in for 3-5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Pink Glam Complex™
- Pink Glam Complex™ makes hair shiny and healthy
- Protein and keratin, which is hair-like ingredients, firmly fill the damaged hair layer

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