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Low pH Good Night Soft Peeling Gel

$16.00 $29.99
A gentle low pH peeling gel enriched with natural ingredients to help improve the condition of the skin without irritation.

- This peeling gel is made with gentle, naturally-derived ingredients to be suitable for daily usage and for sensitive skin.
- This product gently exfoliates the skin by removing debris and dead skin cells to create a smooth, refined complexion.
- This peeling gel protects the skin from external irritants and boosts the condition of skin to create healthy, hydrated skin.
- This peeling gel protects the skin from external irritants and boosts the condition of skin to create healthy, hydrated skin.

1. After cleansing, apply the product on damp skin.
2. Gently massage the product onto the skin.
3. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

- PHA is a mild exfoliant that helps to dissolve dead skin cells and clears out congestion to prevent the clogging of pores and acne.

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