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Vitamin B5+Bifida Toner 120ml

$18.81 $20.90

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A toner packed with vitamin B5 and bifida ferment lysate to deeply hydrate the skin while strengthening the skin barrier, revealing a vibrant and radiant complexion.

- This toner is loaded with hydrating ingredients that help to keep the skin moisturized and retain healthy moisture levels.
- This product effectively helps to calm skin that has been irriated by external factors.
- This toner is created with ingredients that strengthen the skin barrier and calm the skin when used.
- This product helps to reveal a vibrant, radiant complexion when used.

After cleansing, apply toner gently to the skin.

Vitamin B
- Vitamin B is a powerful antioxidant that helps to provide nourishment to the skin and improve early signs of aging.

Bifida Ferment Extract
- Bifida Ferment Extract helps strengthen and restore the skin's protective barrier for a healthy complexion.

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