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The Potions

Soother; Mugwort Essence

$11.99 $32.98
A lightweight, soothing Mugwort Essence with powerful anti-inflammatory properties that reduces inflammation and soothes sensitive skin to create healthy, glowy skin.
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- This essence is made with highly-concentrated, pure Mugwort Extract to soothe sensitive skin and deeply hydrate the skin by recharging moisture levels from within the deeper layers of skin.

- The essence has a slightly acidic pH to create healthy, glowy skin by balancing the skin’s pH levels.

- This product has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and protective properties to reduce inflammation and redness, while preventing new breakouts to create a smooth complexion.

- This product combats inflammation with its powerful antibacterial and healing properties, making it the perfect addition to any skincare routine for acne-prone or sensitive skin.

  1. Cleanse your face and complete any toner-type steps.

  2. Mix 1-3 drops of the ampoules. For an enhanced effect, mix with cica complex cream mixer or aqua gel cream mixer and/or other ampoules based on your needs or our Mixology Recipes on our instagram.
  3. 3. Gently dab the product onto your face, neck and/or body and gently massage for full absorption.
  4. Ampoules can be applied separately without mixing. In this case, apply on the skin in the order of lightest to heaviest, water based to oil based. Allow the product to fully absorb into the skin before applying the next layer.


- Mugwort is a currently a high-demand K beauty skin care ingredient. Its long history in Korea as a “healing herb” stems from generations of culinary, medicinal, and topical use. It has exploded in popularity as a skincare ingredient due to its highly regarded anti-bacterial, inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties, which kills bacteria and calms inflammation. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, Mugwort also helps build a barrier that helps retain moisture and protect the skin from UV rays.

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