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CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Phyto Niacin Brightening Toner Pad 160MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Phyto Niacin Brightening Toner Pad 160MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Phyto Niacin Brightening Toner Pad 160MLSkincare Pads
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC Phyto Niacin Brightening Toner Pad 160MLSkincare Pads
  • New

    NACIFIC Phyto Niacin Brightening Toner Pad 160ML

    $12.93 $25.85

    Just one pad cares for heat, tone, and skin texture. With just one pad, achieve clear and bright, glowing skin.

    - This toner pad is excellent for skin soothing, toning, and texture care.

    - This product has undergone clinical testing and has been tested safe for use on sensitive skin.

    - This toner pad is made of a pH balancing, gentle essence to minimize skin irritation.

    - This product creates bright, glowing skin when used.

    1. Moisture-Boosting Toner Pad
    After cleansing your face, use the toner pad to gently wipe the entire face, excluding the eye area, follow the direction of your skin’s texture

    2. Cooling Quick Mask
    Provides an immediate cooling effect when applied to areas of overheated skin

    3. Simple Pad for Better Makeup Adherence
    Use these pads on your skin for 5–10 minutes before your makeup. This will help your skin look brighter and create a more refreshed base

    5% Niacinamide - Brightening effect
    Glutathione - Skin glow
    Jeju Chickweed/ Hydrangea extracts- Hydration

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