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CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
CoréelleNACIFICNacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9gLipstick
  • Best

    Nacific Vegan Lip Glow 3.9g

    $9.00 $17.00
    A vegan lip balm designed for your precious lips to keep them soft, healthy, and kissable… So pucker up!
    Please select a product

    - This product has been certified by PETA for being clean, cruelty-free, and vegan.
    - This lip balm is recommended for those looking for a lip balm that lasts a long time and will elevate your lip care routine.
    - This product melts into your lips to provide rich moisturization without leaving your lips sticky.


    01. Clear : A clear, transparent lip balm perfect for anyone during any time of day or night.
    02. Salmon Beige : A drop of peach to beige to give off a calm but cute look.
    03. Coral Mauve : The perfect combination of orange coral and rose to create a bright, pleasant shade.
    04. Soft Mauve : A drop of wine in dried rose to create a calm, natural red.
    05. Apple Red : The perfect boost to natural lips to create a refreshing red.

    1. Apply the product as needed to moisturize your lips.

    U-Ferment Oil

    - U-Ferment Oil is formulated with turmeric roots grown in Jeju that boast of high absorption rates and less moisture buildup compared to normal oils.

    Shea Butter

    - Shea Butter helps to soften and moisturize the skin with its high concentration of fatty acids and vitamins.


    - Ceramides provide the skin with long lasting moisturization.

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