CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
CoréelleOngredientsOngredients Soothing Setkit
  • Vegan
  • New
  • Ongredients

    Ongredients Soothing Set

    $76.00 $83.00
    A set of skincare products that will allow you to try soothing products from Ongredients

    - This skincare kit is made up of following products :

    Skin Barrier Calming Lotion 220ml (x1)

    - A double Protecting Calming Lotion that forms a moisture barrier to create smooth skin.

    AC Balancing Serum 50ml (x1)

    - A serum that balances oily and combination skin by controlling sebum discharge to create moist and soft skin.

    Fresh Soothing Cream 50ml (x1)

    -A Heartleaf Soothing Cream that balances the oil and moisture of the skin and soothes irritated skin.

    Please check the product pages for details.

    Please check the product pages for details.

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