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Peach Cotton Multi Finish Powder 15g

$12.00 $16.00
Refreshing, milky white and smooth skin like a peach! A finishing powder that controls excessive sebum with sebum control powder, while calming troubles with peach extract and calamine powder, for healthy skin.

Ultra weightless light Air Jet Mill formula instantly remove the sebum to make skin look clear and matte without clumps. Compactable size allows apply without barrier.
Weightless perfect sebum remover can use in multi- purposes. It can use after basic skincare or makeup to get matt finish. Also, when you have greasy hari, apply it on the roots then it removes the oil to leave out fresh and matt hair.
Peach with pink sponge which removes and controls the excessive oil and sebum to leave smooth and matt skin.

After applying basic skincare products or makeup, gently apply on areas with excessive sebum in a tapping motion.

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