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CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
CoréelleKAINERosemary AHA Night SerumSerum
  • Vegan

    Rosemary AHA Night Serum

    $15.40 $22.00

    A serum that allows the user to embrace the journey to a flawless, glass-like complexion.

    - This serum helps the user experience a nightly transformation.
    - This product is infused with ingredients that help with exfoliation and reduce blackheads on the skin.
    - This serum unveils smoother, refined skin texture, making makeup application a breeze.

    Shake the product for optimal blending, apply evenly, and start with once-a-week usage of your nightly routine, gradually increasing to 2-3 times weekly as your skin adjusts. In the morning, cleanse with a gentle cleanser for a radiant, revitalized complexion.

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