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Round Lab

Round Lab 1025 Dokdo Toner (500ml)

$25.00 $36.00
A toner for daily usage that exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves skin replenished with deep hydration.

- This toner gently removes dead skin cells while helping to retain the skin's healthy moisture levels.

- This product creates glowy skin by hydrating and calming the skin that has been irritated by external factors.

- This toner contains 74 nutrients that help to maintain a healthy oil-moisture balance.

- This product has a watery texture and leaves the skin smooth and supple.

After cleansing, soak cotton pad with toner and gently swipe all over your face.

Red Algae Extract

- Red Algae Extract is rich in proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants to create healthy, glowing skin.

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