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Royal Honey Propolis Enrich Essence 50ml

$25.00 $38.00
A fully nutritious essence that contains 63% black bee propolis extract, 10% royal jelly extract, and 10% black honey extract to build a firm barrier for radiant and moist skin.

Benefits of Black Bee Propolis Extract - Black Bee Honey is considered a rare delicacy with medicinal properties in both Eastern & Western Medicine since ancient times. It's a beauty remedy with anti-aging, moisturizing, and revitalizing properties. Combined with Royal Jelly Extract, this toner builds a firm barrier for radiant and moist skin.

After using the cleanser, apply the essence to the skin using a cotton pad. Then pat until the essence absorbs.

Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Glycerin, Sodium Hylauronate

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