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Rubelli Beauty Face Premium 20ml (7 Sheet Masks, 1 Facial Band)

$24.75 $33.00
A home care product that helps you manage facial lifting by increasing the adhesion of the mask sheet with a pink band.

- This product can be used by simply attaching the elastic and smoothing the face care mask sheet to your chin at home.
- This sheet mask with moisturizing nutrients leaves a feeling of warmth that gives elasticity to the chin and cheeks.
- This product is unlike general mask packs, and when the mask pack and face band are used together, you can seeimprovement quicker.

1. After washing the face, smooth out your skin and attach the hot mask sheet tightly along the jawline and neckline in a V shape.
2. Spread the pink band so that it's in the middle of the chin.
3. Hold the both ends of the pink band,center the band in the middle of the jaw, and pull along the chin line.
4. Adjust the earrings of the face band so that the ears can fit comfortably into them and loosen the top Velcro.
5. After wearing it for about 40 minutes to 1 hour, remove the product and finish by making the remaining essence absorbed into the skin.

- Caffeine helps to reduce blood flow to the skin and make the skin look brighter and tighter.

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