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CoréelleSELF BEAUTYSELF BEAUTY Veganize Slim Gel Pencil Eyeliner 0.12gEyeliner
CoréelleSELF BEAUTYSELF BEAUTY Veganize Slim Gel Pencil Eyeliner 0.12gEyeliner
SELF BEAUTY Veganize Slim Gel Pencil Eyeliner 0.12g
  • Vegan

    SELF BEAUTY Veganize Slim Gel Pencil Eyeliner 0.12g

    $11.20 $14.00
    A 2mm sleek, sharp gel pencil eyeliner that allows for the creation of any look.
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    - This eyeliner has a fine tip, allowing the user to draw precisely from the waterline to the outer corners of one's eyes.

    - This product has a smooth yet resilient texture, allowing for the prevention of smudging and irritation.

    - This eyeliner is water and oil-proof, allowing for your makeup to stay in place no matter what.

    - This product is available in the following shades :

    - Black : Matte black without pearls

    - Dark Brown : Matte, dark brown without pearls

    Twist up the body and roll out needed amount(Approx, 1/24inch=1mm)of the pencil. Make a precise line with thorough coloring in the waterline along the lash line.

    *If the content is rolled out too much, the liner may break. Keep the lid tightly closed to avoid drying out the gel formula.

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