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CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
CoréelleCoréelleSelf-Care BoxSkincare Set
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  • Coréelle

    Self-Care Box

    $49.99 $118.99
    In celebration of International Mind-Body Wellness Day, we are bringing back our Self-Care Box to keep your mind and body in check.

    - We want to give thanks to our friends with a series of boxes that we know you will love. Get the best deal on all your faves, specially curated for you.

    Self-Care Box

    - House of Dohwa : Rice Bran Sheet Mask 1ea (x1)

    - House of Dohwa : Mung Bean Wash Off Facial Mask (x1)

    - House of Dohwa : Rice Bran Bath Bomb 120g (x1)

    - Coréelle : Spa Facial Bunny Headband 1ea (x1) (random)

    - House of Dohwa : Rice Bran Powder Wash 60g (x1)

    - Korean Snacks : [Crown] Sweet & Sour Chewy Candy(Lemonade) (x1)

    - Exfoliating Towel (x1)
    - Scalp Massager (x1)

    Please check the product pages for details.

    Please check the product pages for details.

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