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CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Brewer's Yeast Biotin ( 60 Tablets / 60 days )Health Supplement
CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Brewer's Yeast Biotin ( 60 Tablets / 60 days )Health Supplement
  • New
  • Vegan
  • SkinnyLab

    SkinnyLab Brewer's Yeast Biotin ( 60 Tablets / 60 days )

    $12.72 $15.90

    A biotin tablet made of brewer's yeast for managing hair loss.

    - This tablet is a health functional supplement that helps to manage hair loss.

    - Skinny Lab is the Number One diet supplement on Naver Shopping.

    - This product is rich in Brewer's yeast and Biotin.

    - These tablets are rich in antioxidant vitamins Selenium, and Zinc for highly effective anti hair loss.

    Take a tablet once a day with your meal.

    German Brewer's Yeast

    - 100% German Brewer's yeast is rich in nutrients such as protein and amino acids.

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