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CoréelleSUNGBOON EDITORSungboon Editor Green Tomato Pore Peeling Jumbo Pad 180ml(60pcs)Skincare Pads
CoréelleSUNGBOON EDITORSungboon Editor Green Tomato Pore Peeling Jumbo Pad 180ml(60pcs)Skincare Pads
CoréelleSUNGBOON EDITORSungboon Editor Green Tomato Pore Peeling Jumbo Pad 180ml(60pcs)Skincare Pads
CoréelleSUNGBOON EDITORSungboon Editor Green Tomato Pore Peeling Jumbo Pad 180ml(60pcs)Skincare Pads
  • Vegan

    Sungboon Editor Green Tomato Pore Peeling Jumbo Pad 180ml(60pcs)

    $17.50 $25.00

    A double-sided green pad filled with the energy of green tomatoes to help manage wide, saggy horizontal and vertical pores at the same time.

    - This set of facial pads cleanses away dirty dead skin cells and sebum / waste on the skin to create a smooth texture.

    - This product contains ingredients that helps to gently remove dead skin cells that clog pores. This moisturizing redness relief cotton pads will both soothe sensitive and dry skin, while also providing the needed minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to leave healthy and rejuvenated skin behind. This moisturizing pad is thick and made from cotton soothes damaged skin with ease.

    - This set of facial pads contains the green light from green natural plant extracts and is vegan.

    - This product is jumbo sized to be generously packed with 120ml of highly concentrated ampoule containing ingredients that are good for the skin.

    - This set of facial pads is 2-sided for the following usage :
    1) Square embossed side: pore tightening, sebum and dead skin cells management
    2) Soft pure cotton: Soothes skin, hydrates/moisturizes, refines skin texture

    After washing your face, touch the embossed side to your skin, wipe it off, and then gently massage your skin. In general, it is recommended to use it before using creams and serums.

    - Allantoin is good for skin soothing, and ceramide, which makes up the skin barrier, to strengthen the sensitive skin barrier.

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