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Korean Snacks

Sweet Old Elementary School Dalgona (Handmade Korean Candy) 10g

$1.50 $3.00

Only 0 left in stock - order soon.

A re-creation of the ever-popular Korean snack, dalgona, which captures the classic nostalgic taste of the Korean snack widely sold in front of elemtary schools.

- Dalgona or ppopgi is a nostalgic Korean honeycomb sugar candy that’s made with sugar and baking soda.

- Thanks to the Korean Netflix series Squid Game, this nostalgic Korean snack has come back to the global scene.

- This dalgona is the perfect topping for lattes, making it a must-have pantry item for those who are interested in Korean cafe drinks.

- This product is the dalgona that one knows and loved without the hassle of eating to create the shape that is stamped on.

Open bag and enjoy.

Click for complete list of ingredients

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