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The Potions

Softener; Jojoba Oil Serum

$11.19 $15.99
A non-greasy Jojoba oil serum that relieves dryness and balance out oily skin.
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- A deeply hydrating facial oil that is absorbed well and penetrates deeply into the skin. As it is close in nature to our skin's own oils, it helps balance oil and sebum production without clogging pores.

  1. Apply 2-3 drops onto your face, neck, and/or body and gently massage.

Jojoba Seed Oil

- Jojoba seed oil contains wax monoglycerid, which is an ingredient most similar to human sebum. Thus, this ingredient penetrates into the skin easily, delivering the omega 6,9 and vitamins in the oil deeply into the skin. Rich in tocopherols, it is effective against oxidation. By melting sebum and dead skin cells, it is a preferred ingredient in cleansing.

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