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Etude House

Therapy Air Mask 20ml

$2.00 $3.00
A best-selling, air-thin breathable sheet masks with wide selection that addresses various skin concerns in single use.
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- Water Type : Absorbed into the skin lightly and freshly.

- Cool, fresh moisture relieves and hydrates the skin.


- Water Type : Absorbed into the skin lightly and freshly.

- Contains lemon with rich Vitamin-C, and Niacinamide to vitaminize and brighten the skin.


- Emulsion Type : Abosrbed into the skin mildly while delivering nourishment.

- High moisture-retention makes skin hydrated and increases skin elasticity.


- Water Type : Absorbed into the skin lightly and freshly.

- Cool, fresh moisture relileves and hydrates the skin.


- Ampoule Type : Absorbeb into the skin Smoothly while moisturizing the skin.

- High moisture-retention provides deep hydration to the skin and increases skin moisture.

  1. After cleansing and toning your face, adjust the mask to fit your eyes, nose & mouth and adhere it tightly to the skin.

  2. Leave on for 10~20 minutes, Then peel off the mask.

  3. Gently pat the remaining essence to absorb it to the skin

Green Tea

- Moisturizing & Relieving


- Refreshing & Vitalizing


- Skin Firming

Tea Tree

- Brightening & Soothing

Hyaluronic Acid

- Deep Hydration

Essential Oil instead of Synthetic perfume

- Nature-Derived Fragrance

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