CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
CoréelleVT CosmeticsVT CICA CREAM 100mlcream
  • New
  • VT Cosmetics

    VT CICA CREAM 100ml

    $27.65 $34.56

    A cica cream that moisturizes dry, rough skin and balances oil and moisture.

    - This cream is a lightweight, moisturizing gel for soothing, hydrating, and protecting the skin.

    - This product is a non-greasy oil-moisture balancing cream and absorbs quickly without clogging pores.

    - This cream deeply hydrates and quickly soothes the skin to boost skin recovery.

    - This product is a holy grail moisturizer for both AM and PM routines.

    Apply an appropriate amount o the skin and gently massage for a better absorption.

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