CoréelleKAHIWrinkle Bounce Multi BalmMulti-Balm
CoréelleKAHIWrinkle Bounce Multi BalmMulti-Balm
  • Best
  • KAHI

    Wrinkle Bounce Multi Balm

    $18.00 $45.00
    Simple wrinkle care for the look of lines, wrinkles, crow's feet lines, '11' lines between brows, under eye lines, and puffy eyes.

    - Reduces the look of lines and wrinkles after only one use

    - Creates an immediate, glowy effect

    - Product is quickly absorbed into the skin and reduces the loss of moisture

    - Easy to use anytime, anywhere!

    - Can be applied to the face, lips, split ends

    Apply it evenly on dry areas to keep your skin moisturized.

    Jeju Fermented Oil

    - Reduces the loss of moisture

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