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CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
CoréelleWelcomeYour Newest Favorite Ampouleessence
  • Best
  • The Potions

    Your Newest Favorite Ampoule

    $2.00 $16.00

    Welcome to Coréelle! As a warm welcome to our Coréelle Fam, we would like to offer our new members ampoules from our exclusive brand for just $2. No catch. Get ready to be surprised with your newest favorite ampoule!

    **We pick your ampoule so that you don't have to!**
    **Limited to purchase 1 per customer.**

    - The Potions is a brand that encourages the expression of creativity through skincare products by mixing and matching different ampoules to cater to your skincare needs.

    - Experience the true meaning of mixology for your skin with The Potions, only available at Coréelle.

    - All of The Potions ampoules are available for just $1 to the newest members of our Coréelle family while supplies last.

    1. Apply 2-3 drops onto your face, neck, and/or body and gently massage.

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