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Fragrances That Will Put a Smile on Your Face

by Abby C. on September 27, 2021

“Let’s have a small talk… or a smell talk!”

Those at Sky Bottle are keen to make fragrances that will put a smile on your face! The philosophy behind the fragrances is to capture the small things in life and bring them out. Some of the scents are deemed as being silly while others really make one take another sniff. All in all, these scents bring out the small things in life to make your day a little bit more special!

White Rain smells of bergamot, tuberose, honeysuckle, and cedarwood. All these scents are blended together to form a refreshing, splendid scent. As a scent that is different from other floral scents on the market, White Rain captures the smell of dawn. Coming in three forms of White Rain scented hand cream, lotion, and a mist for the body and hair, White scent conveys the scent of early morning dawn to even the sleepiest of night owls who have never experienced the sweetness of early morning. The whimsical dew of early morning with the addition of white flowers is expressed to create a scent that will make your nose asking for more!

¡Viva La Pink! Long live this scent! Going from grapefruit citron to lily of the valley, this fragrance is perfect for anyone looking for a lively, refreshing scent. This fragrance comes in the forms of a hand cream, lotion, and a mist for the body and hair to bring the Mediterranean to your nose with the smell of vivid grapefruit. Careful, this incredible scent might even make your mouth water with just how real and amazing it smells!

The word for fig in Korean is “muhwagwa”. Discover the scent of authentic figs and bring it to your skin with the Muhwagwa fragrance! Available in the forms of hand cream and body and hair mist, this fragrance is perfect for looking for a natural, non-synthetic scent that will satisfy your sense of smell. This fragrance allows you to go on a journey to experience figs like no other. Going from the sweet fruit to the bitter leaf and rounding it off with the scent of the tree, allow your nose to go on a journey that cannot be forgotten. Lightweight and delicious, this fragrance is perfect for anyone looking for a hand cream or mist that can be used for daily usage.

Sky Bottle is available in various other scents as well such as musky Starry Night and sweet Vanilla Sky. For those looking for unscented hand creams, Blue Agave is the perfect fit for you!

At Coreelle, we aim to bring a smile on your face with the incredible scents brought to you by Sky Bottle. Check them out today and grab yours before they are gone!

TL;DR: Be sure to check out the amazing scents from Sky Bottle! These scents bring a smile to anyone’s face by capturing the smallest moments in life. After all, isn’t it the little things that make one smile?

What is the scent you would like to try?


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