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BT21 Picnic Mini Doll 1ea

$20.00 $50.00

Only 8 left in stock - order soon.

A mini doll series of the BT21 Picnic characters that is cute enough to make anyone smile!
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- This mini doll series consists of the BT21 characters on a picnic doing their own favorite things. Collect them all and create your own picnic story of the BT21 friends!

- This product is available in all the characters of BT21 making it ideal for anyone who is looking for a cute addition to their merch collection.

- Characters :

  • Cooky : Cooky is ready for a fun kayaking adventure with his paddle and life vest
  • Tata : Tata has been counting his catch of fish in his bucket
  • Chimmy : Chimmy is on a walk through the forest with his little puppy
  • Mang : Mang is paddling through the river in his kayak and enjoying the view
  • Shooky : Shooky is shooting hoops like a pro
  • RJ : RJ is fishing and enjoying a peaceful afternoon by the river
  • Koya : Uh Oh! Koya has fallen asleep while reading on his paddle boat

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