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CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Hair Care Set with xikers Photocards and Special GiftHair care set
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Hair Care Set with xikers Photocards and Special GiftHair care set
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Hair Care Set with xikers Photocards and Special GiftHair care set
CoréelleNACIFICNACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Hair Care Set with xikers Photocards and Special GiftHair care set
  • New

    NACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Hair Care Set with xikers Photocards and Special Gift

    $49.99 $99.99

    NACIFIC x xikers Collaboration Event.
    Get the Black Seagrass Hair Set with an xikers Special Photocard Set included.

    - This set comes with a set of special Xikers photo cards and a shower sponge to make your shower experience even more refreshing and special.

    - This product comes with free xikers photo cards and special merch.

    - This special set consists of the following products :

    - NACIFIC Black Seagrass Shampoo 250ML

    - NACIFIC Black Seagrass Treatment 250ML

    - NACIFIC Black Seagrass Hair Oil 50ML (2ea)

    - GIFT: Body scrubber ball


    Take an appropriate amount and spread gently to absorb.

    Please check the product pages for details.

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