
Consist of people who have passion for tea and do our best to make a cultural community to harmonize nature and culture through tea.
This is small efflort of Danongwon's philosophy of environment business, and we run an integrated food safety management system certified with organic processed food based on HACCP and 15022000(Food Safety Management System).
Danongwon will lead to make products with safe quality based on it.

Danongwon (3)

Only 0 left

Daily Kombucha Grapefruit 100g (5g*20 sticks)

$13.65 34% $9.00

Only 3 left

Daily Kombucha Lemon 100g (5g*20 sticks)

$13.65 34% $9.00

Only 0 left

Daily Kombucha Seven Berries 100g (5g*20 sticks)

$13.65 34% $9.00

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