
Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask 100g

$29.00 $34.00
A carbonated bubble clay mask that exfoliates and cleanses sebum, impurities, and blackheads inside pores, leaving a soft, smooth texture behind.

- One-step care of carbonated water with mud helps clean pores and skin.

- The mud and carbonate clean up unnecessary sebum for softer skin.

- Contains a lot of pig collagen Moisturizes without leaving a stiff feeling.

  1. Spread this clay mask on dry skin or makeuped skin. It does makeup cleaning and pore cleaning at once.
  2. Apply it evenly. Do not apply it on wet skin for effective spreading.
  3. Wait 5 minutes for self bubble forming.
  4. You can maximize the cleansing and massage effect by massaging with water for 2 minutes.
  5. Wash off the bubbled content.

Clay mud, charcoal powder

- It helps remove waste and shrink pores.

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