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CoréelleGLUETGLUET Apple Cider Vinegar Original 240mlDrink Mix
CoréelleGLUETGLUET Apple Cider Vinegar Original 240mlDrink Mix
CoréelleGLUETGLUET Apple Cider Vinegar Original 240mlDrink Mix
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    GLUET Apple Cider Vinegar Original 240ml

    $19.00 $24.99

    Gluet's Apple Cider Vinegar is made with 100% fresh apples for a clean, sour flavor.

    - This Apple Cider Vinegar comes in sachet sized packaging for easy consumption and is created to be consumed with water or other beverages.

    - This product is made of 100% organic apple cider vinegar, allowing the consumer to live a more healthy life.

    - This Apple Cider Vinegar is easy to ingest and is flavorful.

    - This product has a good balance of taste and high-quality ingredients.

    Drink by mixing in appropriate proportions with water, carbonated water, or various types of beverages.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Weight Loss: The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar inhibits fat synthesis, promotes fat burning, and reduces calorie intake by suppressing sugar absorption.
    Diabetes Prevention: The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is effective in regulating blood sugar levels and enhancing insulin sensitivity, contributing to diabetes prevention.
    Digestive Health and Gut Improvement: The probiotics in apple cider vinegar improve the balance of gut microbiota and are effective in relieving indigestion.

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