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Daily Moisture Pudding Cream 50ml

$27.30 $30.33

Only 1 left in stock - order soon.

A moisturizer that helps to control the oil-moisture balance of the skin by providing the skin with hydration and appropriate anount of oil.

- This cream has a soft, hydrating pudding formula to provide the skin with hydration and form a oil-moisture protective film on the skin.
- This product contains 20 ingredients that moisturize the skin from the inside out.
- This cream is recommended for those with dry skin that are looking for a hydrating cream that does not leave behind a tacky feeling when used.
- This product is created using EWG Green Grade ingredients to be safe on sensitive, irritated skin.

Gently apply cream to the skin and softly pat it into the skin.

Camellia Seed Oil
- Camellia seed oil has been used since ancient times throughout Japan, and has slowly grown popular throughout the rest of Asia. Known for its ability to penetrate deeply into skin and retain moisture. Camellia seed oil protects the skin from drying out while replenishing vital nutrients such as oleic acid and vitamins A, D, C, and E.

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