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Special Care Body Mask - Foot


Only -6 left in stock - order soon.

Only -6 left in stock - order soon.

Who says sheet masks are only for your face? Remember to take care of your feet too with special sheet masks created with your feet in mind.

- This mask is specially designed for your feet to provide them with the moisturization and nourishment they deserve.
- This product adds vitality to the skin and enhances the skin's elasticity to create rejuventated healthy-looking skin.
- This mask is soft and flexible to adhere onto feet of different shapes and sizes without difficulties.
- This product improves the hydration levels of the skin to revitalize coarse, cracked areas of the skin.

Foot Mask
- Wash your feet and place the foot patch on your feet. Remove after 10-20 minutes. Gently pat any remaining essence into your skin to help with absorption.

Centella Asiatica Extract

- Centella Asiatica Extract is effective in soothing, moisturizing, and alleviating skin damage, dark spots, hyperpigmentation and redness of skin.

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