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LUOES Snow Pilates Body Guasha 202g


A body guasha handmade by a Korean Ceramics Master. This patented and professionally designed body guasha helps relax muscles, improve lymphatic drainage, tighten skin, and provide soothing care for both the body and face.

- This guasha eases muscle tension in areas like the neck, shoulders, and thighs.

- This product stimulates lymph flow to reduce swelling and promote detoxification.

- This guasha helps tighten skin and contour areas like the jawline, chin, and thighs.

- This product targets both facial and body zones for soothing massage, reducing puffiness and stress.

Apply thoroughly to the skin and massage gently. For external use only.

Korean White Clay
- Safe and Hazard free ceramics handmade with high quality white clay from Korea

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