
Tranexamic Acid+Glutathion Eye Cream 30g

$16.80 $21.00
A combination of tranexamic acid and glutathione, a powerful anti-oxidant, that blocks melanin to brighten skin around the eyes as well as improve uneven skin tone.

- This eye cream blocks melanin production to help brighten the skin around the eyes when used.
- This product contains powerful antioxidizing ingredients that help to improve signs of aging.
- This eye cream provides intensive care of dark circles and helps to even out dull areas of the skin.
- This product is formulated with EWG verified green grade ingredients.

Take an appropriate amount of product and apply evenly to the skin around the eyes and areas where blemishes are a concern.

Tranexamic Acid
- Tranexamic Acid has powerful brightening properties that help to reduce darkened areas and improve hyperpigmentation.

- Glutathione helps to decrease melanin in the skin and also has anti-aging properties by decreasing wrinkles and increasing elasticity.

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