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CoréelleHouse of DohwaPumpkin Wash Off Facial MaskMask
CoréelleHouse of DohwaPumpkin Wash Off Facial MaskMask
CoréelleHouse of DohwaPumpkin Wash Off Facial MaskMask
CoréelleHouse of DohwaPumpkin Wash Off Facial MaskMask
CoréelleHouse of DohwaPumpkin Wash Off Facial MaskMask
  • Vegan
  • House of Dohwa

    Pumpkin Wash Off Facial Mask

    $16.00 $20.00
    Treat yourself AM and PM with this pumpkin wash-off facial mask made of clean, domestically harvested ingredients, conveniently packed in a simple pouch for compact yet multiple usages.

    - The gel formula provides the skin a cooling effect.

    - The mask smoothes your skin when it is exhausted and irritated, providing instant nutrition and radiance.

    -Rice bran extract (rice extract) that is locally harvested, grown from traditional methods and nourished by Korea's wind, sunlight, and water, passing on the nutrition directly to the skin.

    1. After washing your face, apply the product to your skin and leave on for 10 minutes.
    2. Wash your face with water after 10 minutes.
    3. Use AM and PM whenever your skin needs a quick boost.


    - Pumpkin as a raw ingredient gives the skin rich nutrition and vitality, and has long been used for the skin's health in Korean beauty.

    Rice bran extract

    - Rice bran extract contains high-quality protein, dietary fiber and nutrients that provide rich moisturization.

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